What questions have you been asked if you have ever been challenged to defend your faith? Have you been pushed about the Bible not matching up with science when it comes to origins? Or have you encountered a friend who wondered how a good God could allow such hurt and pain? Perhaps you have wondered if Jesus was simply a good person and great teacher? And is it possible that He didn’t really rise from the dead? In this series, we will be addressing these complicated questions and giving you even more assurance that Jesus is who He said He was, God incarnate, or in the flesh.
Week 1: It’s Not God v Science
In this lesson, we will be evaluating scientific theories surrounding beginnings and examine what the Bible teaches regarding origins. You will walk away feeling equipped to converse with others regarding their scientific doubts to the Christian faith.
Week 2: The Problem of Pain and Evil
Why do bad things happen to good people? If God were truly good, why …? In this lesson, we will examine who God is and why bad things happen in our world.
Week 3: Who did Jesus think He was?
In this lesson, we will look at Jesus claims and beliefs about Himself. From there, we will examine what others of His contemporaries thought about Him and finally ask what that means for us today.
Week 4: The Resurrection
It has been said that Christianity stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus. Yet, can we really believe it? Is the resurrection based on historical fact or is it the greatest hoax of human history? In this message we explore the resurrection of Jesus and why this event is the basis for our salvation.