Life as we know it won’t last forever. So what happens when this world ceases to exist? And does it matter in the here and now? Let’s look to the Bible for answers as we explore The End.
PART 1: The Return of Christ
The hope that we have as Christians is that Christ is coming again. Get prepared for the second coming by listening to what God’s Word says about it.
PART 2: Your End Times
Most people believe they are going to heaven, but heaven is not a default destination. We will all face judgement before God at the end of our days. Learn more about your end times in this message.
PART 3: Good and Angry
The Book of Revelation contains many images of God’s wrath and judgement that are difficult to square with a God who is also loving and good. Learn how these seemingly contradictory attributes of God fit together in the final message of this series.