Who do you need to forgive? The past doesn’t always stay in the past. Sometimes, you carry it with you. But you don’t have to hold on to the bitter memories and painful moments that steal your joy and weigh you down. You have the choice to let go of The Grudge.

Part 1: I’m Over It (Forgiving Offenses)

When someone hurts you, the pain that follows can weigh you down and keep you from moving forward. But you have the power to let go of the hurt that you’ve been carrying. Forgiveness leads to freedom! Find it with us this week at The Bridge.

Part 3: Forgiving God?

Sometimes, we build resentment against others. We hold it not just against others, but even against God. Join us for this week’s message from our series The Grudge and learn how to release the past and step into the freedom of forgiveness.

Part 4: Why Can’t I Forgive Myself? (Forgiving Yourself)

Your mistakes don’t define you, even when they feel like they’ll be with you forever. You don’t have to hold on to your past. Step into the future that God has for you during this week’s message in our series, The Grudge.

Part 2: The Faith to Forgive (Forgiving Betrayals)

It’s easy to carry a grudge when your trust has been betrayed. But you have the power to let go of the pain you carry with you. Join us for this week’s message and find out how through the power of forgiveness.